What is Digital Classroom?

A virtual classroom is a video conferencing software where teachers and students/learners engage each other using learning materials such as PPTs, PDFs, audio files, video files, quizzes, games, and much more through the online whiteboard. The difference with other video conferencing tools is that the online classroom offers an added feature-set that is essential to a learning environment and student engagement. Everything happens in real-time in the presence of teachers and provides the learners with an experience very close to traditional face-to-face teaching.

Quizzes, Polls, Question Bank and Leaderboard

Ultimate student engagement tools. Save everything for future use.

Join classes from any device

Laptop, iPad, Mobile phone, it just works.

Calendar and Session scheduling

Schedule, one-time or permanent sessions, and receive reminders.

Easy Tutor and Student Management

Manage thousands of teachers and students under one organization.

World’s Best Whiteboard

Collaboration and interactivity at their best with in-depth drawing and annotation tools.

Multi-way Audio-Video Communication

Low latency, secure audio-video communication with your students.

Real-Time Public and Private Messaging

Group chat and one-to-one private messaging with students.

Teacher and Student Screen Sharing

Share complete screen or any specific window or a browser tab.

Join classes from any device

Learn and teach anytime, anywhere with a fully responsive design for all devices to support critical workflows. Everything including classes, content and recordings can be accessed from any portable devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops.